
We Are an Environmentally Friendly Lawn Care Company

Eco Friendly Lawn Care, Eco Landscaping

Summit County Eco Friendly Lawn Care

One of the most exciting and upcoming changes for residential properties and limited commercial properties in 2017 is a switch to electric lawn care and landscaping equipment.  As the lawn care industry continues to grow, we hope to be part of a new direction in the way we do lawn care in our communities. Although electric lawn mowers and gas powered mowers both have pros and cons, the better choice is electric. When you address the question with regard to health, safety, and environmental responsibility in mind, the answer is simple the electric mower is the best choice.

Electric Mowers are an Environmentally Friendly Alternative

Gasoline has negative effects on both the operator of the machinery, as well as the environment.  Each year more than 17 million gallons of gasoline are spilled in fueling lawn equipment. In comparison, this amount is more than what was spilled during the Exxon Valdez disaster. Not only is this a waste of money and resources, but the gasoline seeps into our groundwater and the rest evaporates into our air, polluting the atmosphere. With electric mowers, there is no gas spills that contribute to ground and air pollution.

Electric Mower are Healthier to be Around

Yep, it’s true. For the health of the operator and those who are around.  Particle pollution and volatile organic compounds, which are released from gasoline-powered mower motors. An electric lawn mower does not produce emissions.

ilverthorne lawn care landscaping company

Electric Lawn Mowers are Much More Quiet

Noisy gas powered mowers can damage an operator’s hearing. Gas mowers near 100 decibels, and can cause hearing loss can occur after prolonged exposure to over 90 decibels. Additionally, noise pollution reduces the quality of your living space both indoors and outdoors. Electric lawn mowers are nearly noiseless.  While we use our electric equipment, you’ll save your hearing and your neighbors’ peace.

Electric is Just as Powerful and Capable

Lithium battery technology has greatly improved in recent years. The newest models of electric lawnmowers provide the power and crisp cuts for a great lawn. We are able to do the same quality of job, but no longer have to worry losing the power of gas equipment to for electric lawn care equipment. The newest, electric mowers have as much power as gas powered mowers, but they are safer for the operator and improves our community.

Sustainable Lawn Care for the Future

We use eco-friendly lawn care equipment, to help ensure we will not affect the health and safety of our crew, your family and neighbors. By choosing Rockies Property Management LLC, you will help improve the environmental quality of life here in Summit County. By choosing an environmental-friendly lawn care option, you will directly have an influence in protecting the environment from air, noise, water pollution.