Summit County Vacation Rental Cleaning Services
What’s the number one complaint from vacation rental guest? Cleanliness!
There is no doubt that when travelers stay in homes in Silverthorne, Breckenridge, Frisco or other areas here in Summit County, or even a Lodge at Vail, a clean, tidy rental unit is what they expect. Some guests pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to stay in your home. These guest certainly expect an immaculate rental. If it’s not clean before their arrival, the guest will be very disappointed, and likely leave complaints. Luckily, keeping your vacation rental clean is easy, you’ll just need a quality housekeeping service that understands cleaning vacation rentals.
So what makes cleaning your vacation rental different?
Typically, a vacation rental cleaning is more involved than having a house cleaning service. Your cleaning service needs to be ready to provide the highest level of service.
These are some task that are different:
- Clean linens that were used during the previous guest stay
- Sanitizing all surfaces before guests check-in
- Ensuring sufficient quantities of toiletries
- Determining any damage from previous guest
- Check for missing items
- Test all appliances, plumbing, hot tubs and more for proper function
- And more
These are just a few examples of how turning over your rental vacation unit is different form home cleaning.
Hiring a Vacation Rental Cleaning Service
With the demand for quick turnovers, your rental property needs a full service cleaning company that you can trust. Cleaning services can keep a watch on property and let you know if anything needs to fixed or replaced. For example, are the garage door openers available or are they missing. Home checks, Door codes, hot tub check can all be part of the professional rental cleaning service.
We can provide additional services at every clean
For Summit County, rental home owners, you’ll need cleaning services that are more involved than just vacuuming, sweeping, and dusting. He are some additional services that we offer:
- Complete sanitation of all bathroom and kitchen
- Wash and change all home linens
- Distribute clean lines, such as fresh towels
- Emptying and the fridge
- Wash and put away dishes
- Cleaning under and between furniture cushions
- Determine if any items are damaged or missing
- Stock home with all toiletries
- Provide light maintenance such as changing light bulb

We Provide Dependable and Affordable Rental Cleaning Services
We providevacation rental cleaning services for residential and vacation rental properties. Contact us today to see how we can help you with property management needs.